
Alligators may be present on our Lakes please be safe. See enclosed picture and see if you can find one with an alligator on lake

The idea of living on a body of fresh water in Florida that does not have alligators is just not that realistic, not for very long, anyway. Alligators are a part of the natural order down here and are really quite common in most of Florida’s lakes, rivers and streams. It is important that children and pets be away from lakes to avoid potential issues.

Why? Alligators get up and relocate, especially during the summer mating season. Alligator populations in and around Florida’s lakes, rivers and streams also continue to grow at a healthy rate. This is one reason why the State recently expanded the annual alligator harvest. Combine an increasing alligator population with an increasing human population, and it’s easy to see that alligator-to-human encounters will continue to increase.

The State of Florida has a nuisance alligator program and will respond quickly to any concerns. The response typically involves sending a licensed trapper to locate and remove the animal. Nuisance alligators are typically euthanized.


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